The medical image delivery system
of Fachklinik Hornheide


enables the sending of radiological image data from any Sender to a receiving system at the hospital. The specified recipient receives a notification by email. In addition, however, we recommend a telephone consultation with the recipient.

The software offers simple operation and transmission of the data with secure encryption over HTTPS.

More details

More details can be found in the following publication:

xPIPE – Reception of DICOM Data from any Sender via the Internet
J. Czwoydzinski, R. Eßeling, N. Meier, W. Heindel, H. Lenzen
Fortschr Röntgenstr 2015; 187(05): 380-384
DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1399309


was developed by the Clinic for Radiology of University Hospital Münster.

You have further questions or interest in using xPIPE for receiving images in your hospital? Please contact us.